Nutrition Speaker

Be Good to Your Sweet Heart

Your heart — it beats for you constantly, minute by minute, hour by hour, day by day, year by year. Is what you’re eating the best it can be for your heart and cardiovascular system? From anti-inflammatory foods to those high in antioxidants, there’s so much more to heart health than low-fat and low-cholesterol food. Get the inside scoop on fish, flax, fiber, coconut oil, chia seed, garlic, and of course, exercise. Sound intimidating? It doesn’t have to be. Learn how to integrate these heart-healthy habits into a lifestyle the whole family will enjoy. Be good to your sweet heart – after all, it’s good to you!

Nutrition Speaker

“As Zonya engaged the audience with nutrition games, hands-on demonstrations and her wonderful sense of humor, it was impossible not to get caught up in her message for healthy hearts.”
– Leilani Krevor, Denver American Heart Association Go Red Event

Nutrition Speaker

“Two years and running now, Zonya has ‘electrified’ our audience, making our annual heart day celebration a true success!” 
– Dr. Louie Coulis, 5th & 6th Annual Healthy Heart Symposiums, Coulis Cardiology, Sheboygan, WI

Nutrition Speaker

“Our third time having you present in Macon and we are SO PLEASED!! The women absolutely LOVED YOU! Personally, I did four things differently that very night at dinner–a testament that your presentation hit home!”
– Robin Parker, V.P. of Marketing, Coliseum Health System, Macon, GA

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