Diet Free Success Story: Marcia

Marcia decided to take control of her life and her health in 2020. She started with Zonya’s Eat REAL programs, and was off to the races. She then joined the DIET FREE Deep Dive Program, where she took her habits to a new level. She learned to make “exercise” her middle name, conquered the sugar monster, and is happily down 30 pounds! Below, in her own words are the steps she took to succeed on her journey. 

Marcia shares: I love how you present your DIET FREE  program. The things that I had to nail down were…

Developing A Routine

I was a night owl before, staying up till 1:00 am and then sleeping until 9:00 am. I could not get anything done being a night owl. 

I had to develop a structure for my day. This included resetting to become a morning person. I get up each and every day between 6:15-6:30 am. Then I could get my exercise done in the morning.

Making Exercise My Middle Name

When I started DIET FREE, I could NOT understand how people got themselves motivated to exercise. But the weekly goal setting stepped me into exploring and doing a little more, and mentally making the commitment. Just as we were encouraged to do,  I got an exercise buddy, even though she lives hundreds of miles away from me. We meet each morning and walk with our AirPods/phone for one hour. Neither one dares to miss.

This held me accountable. And by following the movement training programs provided in the program, I gained the confidence to commit to a live Zoom yoga class that I meet with 3x a week, which I love and am accountable for. Little steps toward making these habits are exactly what’s taught in DIET FREE, and now I can honestly say “exercise” is a necessary and consistent part of my life, what we call making “exercise” our middle name.

Understanding Where I Needed Support

Something that helped at times, but I am not 100%, is journaling. I did it in the beginning when I had more to lose (and my good habits were not yet habits). I would record my weight daily and write down what foods I was eating. 

It helped when I would get depressed and think why isn’t my weight coming off? I would look back at the previous year, month, 6 months and see that I weighed less. It also helped me identify my trigger foods, like if I ate this, then I would binge on that.  

For a time I did write daily things that I was grateful for and I also wrote down 3 things I wanted to complete for the day. It just created a structure and moved me towards my goal. I do want to get back into journaling more with maintenance and living my best life. 

I also had trouble with SAD (seasonal affective disorder). I made a deal with myself that I would be outside in nature for 30 minutes daily. This helped immensely with the wintertime. I would bundle up and just do it. I did buy snowshoes to use when I had enough snow.

Creating Visual Reminders

I bought a whiteboard and I plan to set it up in my yoga and meditation area. I’m going to write my goal for the day! It has its own stand and I’ll be able to see it easily. I’m a visual person and this will be a great way for me to remind myself where to keep my focus.  

I think at times (like Easter), I have an eating plan in my head but then with family or friends and the hectic nature of the holiday or get-together, I lose my way and my mind. I think this will help me stay on track.

Take Advantage of the Tools You Have

I don’t think people understand how important it is to read and reread Water With Lemon (the inspirational Novel that comes with DIET FREE) and to watch and rewatch the weekly videos from DIET FREE seminars. It is something that you need to always be playing a loop in your mind. Losing weight and getting healthy is ongoing and you have to always be re-educating yourself to be successful.  

I know a lot of people do not want to be on a “diet” but I had to have a schedule and structure and know what I was putting in my mouth. I never counted or worried about calories. When I was writing down my weight and what I ate it was more for information and my behaviors. I have always had an issue with sugar and wanted to conquer the sugar monster.  

I now have learned, “If I don’t eat it I don’t crave it!” And I now have “better for me” sweet treats that satisfy without triggering “the sugar monster” within me!

Are You Ready To Get Healthy The DIET FREE Way?

With Zonya’s Eight DIET FREE Habits, you’ll lose weight and improve your health through sensible nutrition and exercise. And with a focus on one habit at a time, you’ll be able to set yourself up for a life time of success. Change your life with this guilt-free, DIET FREE approach!